If you’ve ever seen a skylight, you’ve probably fallen in love. The beauty and magic these windows add to any home are unforgettable. Gazing up at the stars or watching the snow fall get a whole new twist with a skylight. Are skylights a worthy investment? Should you consider installing one in your home in order to enjoy the beauty? Let’s talk about the advantages and disadvantages of such windows.
Skylight Windows Pros
Here are a few good reasons why you should be thinking about these windows:
- Extra Light
Attics tend to be dark. A skylight can become an extra source of light for dark rooms in your home. Meanwhile, they can help you save money on energy by letting more UV light inside to heat up the room during the cold season.
- Beauty
Skylights are beautiful. They can offer you and your family members many exciting and romantic moments. These windows don’t just give you extra access to nature’s beauty, they can increase the curb appeal of your home.
- Fresh Air
Skylights are an excellent source or fresh air. The higher up your windows are, the fresher the air is. They don’t just bring you more chances to ventilate the room, they can freshen up the air better than the rest of your windows.
Skylight Windows Cons
Installing such windows come with a few substantial cons as well:
- Cost
Skylight windows are expensive to install. If you try to save on installation and end up with a mediocre result, you may face energy leaks. These leaks won’t be countered by the solar energy channeled by the window.
- Furniture Fading
Skylights channel solar glare, which easily fades the furniture and carpets. If you want to avoid this problem, you could consider tinted or laminated glass. However, it will cost you more money. When planning to install a skylight, you have to keep the interior design of your home in mind in order for the glare to cause the least damage.
- Roof Quandaries
A cheap and improperly installed skylight can cause roof problems, which are costly to repair. In order to avoid leaks, high-quality sealing must be used between the shingles and the frame. In order to get all the benefits of the skylight, it’s important to invest in professional window washing on a regular basis. Climbing the roof to clean the skylight glass on your own can lead to accidents. Skylights can be an excellent solution for your home as long as you are ready for the extra expenses.
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