Residential Window Cleaning


Tips For Residential Window Cleaning

Dec 26, 2023

Tips For Residential Window Cleaning

Residential window cleaning should be done twice a year to keep grime from building up. The cleaning process takes a bit of work and specialized equipment. Start by wiping down the frames with soapy water. Then, wipe the squeegee down with a clean cloth before using it. Start in one upper corner and work horizontally across the window.

How to Clean Your Windows

Before you start cleaning your windows, dust and clean the window frames. This will help prevent the dust and dirt that you remove from the glass from getting redeposited on the clean windows as it dries. You can use a lint-free cloth or brush to wipe the frames. You can use water and vinegar to wash your windows, or you can purchase a commercial window cleaner solution. If your windows have tough stains, such as paint specks or labels, you can try using a nylon scrub pad. Be sure to wet the window first and rub gently to avoid scratching the glass.

Residential Window Cleaning

Residential Window Cleaning

Wet the window with your cleaning solution and then squeeze it dry, starting at one of the upper corners and working down, wiping the rubber blade of the squeegee clean between strokes. Be sure to dry the sill, too. If you don’t, the cleaner will drip and leave streaks.


Before you get started cleaning windows, it’s important to prepare the area and gather your supplies. Start by vacuuming and dusting the window frames and sills. This will remove larger, more easily removed debris and help you achieve a cleaner end result.

Next, dampen a microfiber cloth with your cleaning solution and wipe the window sill. Make sure you don’t soak the window sill, as this can cause water runoff and undo your hard work!

Next, move planters, furniture and any other items away from the windows. It’s also a good time to cut back any shrubs or bushes that may be growing too close to the windows. And lastly, clear the area around your windows of any toys or pet supplies, as these can accidentally be flung through the window and leave behind streaks or smudges. Also, place a towel on the floor underneath your windows to protect it from any spilled cleaners or puddles that may form.


Clean windows are not only more attractive, but they are easier to open and close. A quality cleaning also helps prevent insect damage to window tracks and hinges. In addition, brushing away nests, webs and other hiding places keeps insects from entering your home or damaging your windows.

The first step in the cleaning process is rinsing the windows with the hose or by filling a bucket with clean, cool water and adding detergent or cleaner. Then, use a sponge or squeegee to wash the glass surfaces and sills.

Residential Window Cleaning

Residential Window Cleaning

Finally, dry the windows using a squeegee or clean, lint-free towel (preferably a microfiber cloth). Be sure to dry any frames that are exposed to the elements. If any spots or marks remain, they may be removed by scraping or rubbing with the tip of a clean micro-fiber cloth. When done, the windows are sparkling clean and ready to be hung back in place. A professional window cleaning company will have all the necessary tools for the job including squeegees, brushes and microfiber cloths, as well as ladders or a water-fed pole system for high windows.


Using a spray bottle, lightly mist the window before and after wiping it down. This will help reduce streaks. It also helps prevent the windows from drying too fast, which can cause damage. After squeegeeing the water off of each window, use an absorbent lint-free cloth to dry the edges of the window and windowsill.

To avoid squeegee marks, start in the top corner of the window with the squeegee tip touching the glass and wipe a narrow strip from one side to the other on a single pane. This will create a clean strip for the subsequent horizontal strokes.

Big Apple Window Cleaning
420 Lexington Ave #2440, New York, NY 10170, United States
+1 212-365-8007


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